Creative Writing: The Virus

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As soon as I woke up, the excruciating pain that started in my leg felt like a virus that was spreading through my entire body. The pain still did not leave my body and I felt like my whole body was dragging me down. Despite the agonizing pain, I used all of my strength to get up and take a lucid observation of the new environment. The scent of the place did not pleasure me. It smelled like rotting flesh and a body that had not washed in a while. All around me, people screamed and moaned in agony. It was like I was in a large zoo with panicking animals. That moment, my older brother, Li Zhe and my older sister, Li You sprinted to my direction with a face of relief and tears streaming down their faces. Li Zhe asked,”How are you? How is your leg? Do you remember who we are?” I replied with a chuckle,” Yes jie (older sister), I feel better than before. Anyways, are we still in Nanking?” Li You informed me that we were in the Safety Zone. I asked again,”When are we going home?” My siblings froze in silence. They seemed concerned. Li You answered,”I’m sorry. We aren’t going back home.” My mind was dumbfounded by that statement. I replied,”Why not? Let’s just run away from here and go …show more content…

Instantly, there was a loud roar made by people outside running for their lives and some not knowing where to go. Outside, a garrison of Japanese troops dispersed into different areas of the safety zone. That moment, an old man shouting for his life and for mercy to a Japanese soldier caught my attention. Afterwards, the soldier brought out his weapon and the sound waves of the gunshot entered my ears. One of the loudest sounds I have heard surprised me. The scene of the man, lifeless and still as a dead tree, aroused the fear in me. Just like the old man, I lost control and made escaping this place a priority; however, my leg would not let me. When I moved, the agonizing pain would start to rupture from my

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