Creative Writing: The Homeless

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It was three days before Christmas and the anxious excitement has taken over the faces of children. To many the purpose of Christmas is to give and appreciate, yet to others it’s just about wasting money. I remember walking down the streets of Downtown L.A in the business district where the streets are filled with poverty and pity. Looking at the people struggling to find a roof, food, and warmth. I ask myself how would I survive being homeless in the streets. Seeing them beg for money and being ignored, just makes me feel pity for them. A feeling that has escaped from Pandora’s box. A feeling that was happiness and joy eventually turned into disappointment and sadness while thinking about what this world has become. My mother tells me not …show more content…

As the homeless man sits next to his injured companion, he carries him to the corner of the sidewalk and rocks him back and forth. I ask my mother “why don't they feel compassionate to those around us as we are the same species.” My mother doesn't answer the my question as she is still staring at the pair. I look up to her face and I see tears well up in her eyes. We stand there for a good five minutes until …show more content…

Two minutes later we are behind the homeless man and I stare down to his companion whose eyes are wide and black, telling me that he has gone somewhere else. My mother sits next to the man as she comforts him, I follow my mother’s moves. I ask the man “ How did you obtain your companion and how did you end up here?”. He lifts his face and turns to me with a glum look in his eyes. He responds “ It started in 1998. It was Christmas Eve, a time when I had financial stability…” my mind runs through images, I realize he has suffered more than my family. As it turns out his companion (just a puppy then) came to him on his doorstep on christmas eve, 7 years later he lost his house due to losing his job and lost his family in a horrific car crash leaving him with his companion on the street. The only thing he had left was his Christmas present. My mother’s face is filled with sorrow. My mother tells the man “That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”(2 Corinthians 12;10) a quote that has helped my mother through difficulties. My mother grabs my hand and we leave

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