Creative Writing: The Handmaid's Tale

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He stood tall, proud. The likeliness of his blessed father before him, a true king if there ever was one. The people below roared their approval, ready to receive their new ruler, their leader in all due to the late king's demise, bless his soul may he rest in the hall of Honor and Glory. Standing above his people in shining robes and a gleaming crown, the future seemed brighter than ever for the kingdom. Grinning from ear to ear, the king threw his fist into the air and the cacophonous cries raised to a deafening point, drowning the pleased laughter of the recently made king out. Behind him, his wife stood in the shadows, not even a hint of a smile curling her lips. She contrasted starkly and strangely against her bright husband, …show more content…

No one dared move, nor even breathe too loudly in his presence. He sprung up suddenly, pacing, and the tension in the few in the frozen room only rose as he spun on heel again and again, the agitated tapping of his shoes echoing loudly in the large throne room accompanied by the dull crackling of the hearth fires. He stopped before a young man but a few years shy of the king’s own age and pinned him with his gaze. “Where is my wife at this time?” He snapped out irritably. “I know not sire.” The young man replied, very well now trembling and trying to hide it. The bedraggled king ground his teeth in irritation and returned to his quick pacing. When on his 37th pace, the doors were thrown open and the queen swept into the room, fierce and all the ruler she truly was. The queen loomed great even in the vast emptiness of the throne room. The king turned to greet her, pleased she was present and sure she would agree with his actions unlike the unfaithful council. He was surprised and bewildered by her wrathful countenance however when he turned towards …show more content…

He simply gazed at her, mouth dropped in shock before collecting himself and reawakening his fury and adding hurt to the chaotic mix of his emotions. “What have I done? Ask not what I have done, but what they have done! They insulted the king of Alexandria! Me!” was his retort, sure she would come to his side now. “You are no king!” she snapped, cheeks beginning to flush in her rage “You are a child throwing a tantrum! Your pride will be the death of thousands you wretched man!” grief began to glitter in her eyes at this exclamation, but was quickly overcome by her ire. “You made a promise to care for your people, and this- this child's spat will lead to nothing but sorrow!” the grief seen before wove into her voice as well as she turned away, but the king was deaf to it. He shook with his rage, indignation welling up in him. “Silence! Know your place wife!” was his angry shout. All fell still and silent. A sudden gust swept through the room, sending the braziers sputtering and dying out, the sudden chill and dimness sending a chill down spines and hairs standing on end at the scent of magic in riding on the gust of

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