Creative Writing: Empire Island

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“Although the walk was long, and I had no one to talk to.” “I enjoyed it,” Titus said as he adjusted himself in his chair trying to look taller, he continued. “I plan to return to you village and visit with the people, both here and the nearby farms.” “The old farmer, Mr. Ed as it turns out,” Titus said. “is a good man and I consider him a friend.” "If he had not given me the mule to ride I don’t know if I could have faced the dragon.” Titus picked up his glass and took a drink of the cool milk then started telling the mayor how he met Hootie. "We found the dragon asleep on his back making an awful sound. He was snoring." "And yes," Titus said, he does shoot flames out of both sides of his nose, “And he makes enough noise when he growls …show more content…

“The king sent Sir Ficus and Sir Gaynor to the Chamberlain area for the same reason.” “I’m sure they too will be successful.” Titus said, as he waved to a friend working in the field next to the road. “There was an attempted robbery in Westbrook this morning,” Titus told the two knights. “What happened?” one of them asked. “Someone tried to steal a vendor's money pouch and run away,” Titus Said. “Did anyone catch the scoundrel?” Sir Hamilton asked. “Yes, they did," the boy said, “It seems he tripped and fell.” “And, before he could get up and run away, he was surrounded by the townspeople and the other merchants. “Services him right,” said Sir Switzer. "Can I ask you something,“ Titus asked? "Sure," Sir Hamilton said. "Well," Titus asked, looking a little embarrassed. "Your armor is so bright and shiny does it get a little warm?" "Hot enough to burn your fingers," Sir Switzer said. "It's not just hot on the outside," Sir Hamilton added, But the inside can feel like you are in an oven." “That is why you don’t see any chubby knights,” a laughing Sir Hamilton said, This stuff just sweets the fat right off the bones.” "We would like to take it off sometimes,” Sir Switzer said. “But, we have no place to carry

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