Creative Writing: Behemoths

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Our tale begins with a young ranch boy lazing about just killing time... "Ehehehe~" I chuckle to myself in the hay. I'd just finally succeeded in one of my life goals. That is, I managed to dive from the ledge jutting out at the top of the old barn into a cart of hay. And it was awesome!! I felt like an assassin, not sure why though, I mean why would an assassin jump into a pile of hay? Its not like people wouldn't notice an entire person falling from the sky. Well, maybe if they were really small or if they were using some sort of cool magical power... Speaking of which the harvest festival is coming up, maybe I can meet a mage there and they'll teach me! If I could convince a mage I had the talent I could become his apprentice and that opens so many doors. And its waaaaaay better than this ranch life. I mean seriously, no one wants to look after, let alone clean up for, the animals we raise here. Behemoths are just giant moths which happen to be useful, I mean what other animal exists which has wings it can't fly with but happen to be the perfect location to grow cheese. And the variant of the species we grow here produce milk as well in exchange for a lakes worth of crap. I don't even know why they decided to name the mutated bastards as Cream Behemoths; I mean they are as blue as a cloudless sky! …show more content…

Then I just work my way up and get my name known and next thing you know I'm a fully fledge master of the arcane with countless spells at my disposal crushing armies and conquering the hearts of women throughout the

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