Creative Writing: A Scary Kidnapping

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A Scary Kidnapping It was a cold winter night, an eerie silence gripping us, as we tried, but failed miserably , to climb over his apartment gate and get home. “We have to hurry up” Sumedh whispered, not wanting to penetrate the still air. My family and I came to LA 2 days ago, as a vacation during Christmas break. We were staying at my dad’s college mate’s house for a few days, then moving on to Palm Springs. My thoughts were interrupted as a nice and fancy minivan, with cool decals,, drove up. We went to investigate. Worst idea in my life. The driver came out, black suit and tie, manages to stuff us in the back seat, and drive away. Now, we're really are freaked out. We don’t know when we’ll get home, or if we’ll ever. Sumedh seemed to …show more content…

The man didn’t respond. Sumedh continued on, “Why are you taking us so far away?”. This time, the man decided to give an answer. “Because I need to money to survive”. We were shocked by this news. How does he need to make money if he has a fancy car? Sumedh and I were wondering. “How?”. The word came out of my mouth before I could stop it. The man didn’t seem irritated. “I sell kids like you to a slave market”, he responds calmly. If I could summarize what was going through my head in two words, it would be scared and confused. A slave market? Wasn’t that like, 500 years ago? Not only that, but a lifetime of work was going to be forced upon me. “How much to you get for selling slaves?” Sumedh asked in a kind voice. The man replied with a stunning answer of “about $3 - $7, sometimes, people don’t want them as slaves, so I get nothing. By the way, the the company provided me with this car, in case you were wondering.” I was freaked out, but Sumedh seemed to have a trick up his sleeve. “Do you want $5 and drive us back home?” Neither me or the man understood. Sumedh repeated “I have $5 in my pocket. I’ll give it to you if you drive us back home.” A smile lit up the man’s weathered face. Happily, he turned around and started driving the other direction. “Wow, where did you find that $5 bill?” I whispered. “Under the seat”, he whispered

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