Cory Maxson's Fences

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One of the in the book “Fences” is Cory. Cory Maxson lives in Pittsburgh with his family. His Mother Rose a housewife and his father Troy a garbage man. He is a senior in high school Cory is a smart young man. Cory knows in order for him to get recruited he has to keep his grades up. He knows where his priorities are and keeps them first. He knows he has to get his chores and work done before even getting on the football field. Cory is a son who acts first and thinks later. Cory puts his wants before his and his family's needs. To his father he seems irresponsible. Cory wants nothing more than to play professional football. Cory is exceptionally talented. Cory notices plenty of things regarding his father. He notices his dad is not allowing …show more content…

His father is taking away the only thing he loves. Cory’s Father could have been one of the greatest players ever in baseball, however in the 30’s African American’s were prohibited to play in the major leagues. Cory’s father does not want Cory to follow in his footsteps of rejection. Cory doesn’t deal with emotional pain well. When Troy told him he couldn’t play football his emotions were crushed. Cory didn’t want anything to do with his father. This caused their relationship to be even worse. It put more distance between. Troy Maxson is jealous that his son could have the chance to play a professional sport, but he was rejected because of racism. Not playing football brings Cory pain. All he ever wanted to do was play football since the play started. When Troy took that away from that made their relationship even worse. They now started to get into fights and argue more. When Cory had conflicts, he would resort to violence. Cory tried to fight Troy when he stood up to him while Troy was drunk. After he was proved to no be the “man in charge” he walked away and never came back. Cory is deeply affected by what others say,

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