Corruption In Macbeth

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Blood stains, coating the hands of many characters within Macbeth along with sin. Macbeth is a tale of struggle for power and dominance centering on the Scottish nobleman and thane, Macbeth. Macbeth’s ambition leads to him giving into iniquity and insanity. Despite being gifted with many things, he strives for more and becomes king through tactics of deceit after being coerced by the actions of those around him. During his journey, the same blood ingrained on his hands soak into the skin of his influencers. His rule is viewed poorly, and he eventually loses everything, including his life. While affected greatly by the witches and partially by his wife, Macbeth proves that it is man himself who ultimately governs his path and choices leading …show more content…

She is described to be “like Iago, a great psychologist who understands other people's vulnerabilities and is a genius at exploiting them” (Paris). Her nature is displayed when she awaits for Macbeth in anticipation to “pour my [Lady Macbeth’s] spirits in thine [Macbeth’s] ear and chastise with the valor of my tongue all that impedes thee from the golden round” (Document B). Lady Macbeth could be stated to be the actual start of tangible sin in the play. She is the one who directly convinced Macbeth to commit murder, reassuring him that he could forget and move on. This makes it so much easier for him to mentally prepare himself when killing others later on, erasing his hesitance in crossing the line in which no one may return from and fueling the deterioration of his mind. Her “hands are of your [Macbeth’s] color” (Document C), emphasizing that she too had to take blame for the blood spilled from the murder of Duncan. It is probable that if Lady Macbeth had not played “upon his softer side in order to get him to commit the murder… playing upon his aggressive side also” (Paris), Duncan would not have died and with more time to contemplate a way to become king, Macbeth would have discovered another, less bloody, path that would guide him to his goals. It is undeniable that …show more content…

He made the choice to listen to the witches, he had “done the deed” (Document C) of killing Duncan, he allowed his wife to convince him to commit murderous acts, and concluded to return to the witches to “insist that you [the witches] answer my questions... command you in the name of whatever dark powers you serve… Tell me what I want to know” (Document D). He made each and every decision himself and chose what his next actions will be. The witches did not tell him to kill Duncan, yet he acknowledged that the current king and princes are in his way and that he needed to get rid of them. He was the one to come up with these thoughts, proving that he was capable of conjuring such evil on his own. The only thing that motivated Macbeth “is ambition, which makes people rush ahead of themselves toward disaster” (Document B) and “his need for greatness threatens to get out of control and to violate his need to be good” (Paris).
Gifted with the natural human right of free will, Macbeth uses his ambition to fuel his decisions that eventually leads to his own corruption and demise with the assistance of his wife and the weird sisters. Although it can be argued that it is the witches who begin Macbeth’s descent into damnation and it is his wife who lulls his mentality towards corruption, Macbeth is the one who makes

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