Correctional Officer Stereotypes Essay

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Imagine what it is like to always be seen as the bad guy and having a bad reputation when all you are doing is your job to protect the safety of yourself and others; that is what it is like obtaining a job as a correctional officer. Stereotypes are a widely believed mental image of particular groups that can sometimes be true but is often exaggerated. These are assumptions created based on someone’s physical appearance and lifestyle. These are also used to categorize different individuals into specific groups. Misconceptions are made from already having stereotypes. With having a misconception it’s a view that is inaccurate but is based on the untruths believed about other individuals because of the stereotype already given. Stereotypes among …show more content…

My father, Nestor Iribe, is currently a correctional officer and has been working for that department for several years. My father has stated before that in the prison environment they are always seen as the bad guy. Any action officers make in the prison the inmates automatically believe it is because of their race or it is unfair; but, officers like my father are only doing their job to sustain the safety of themselves, staff, and inmates. Since I am close to a correctional officer I understand the true role of correctional officers and the realization of the false stereotypes and misconceptions that are made by others and the information from the media. I am able to understand the stress those who are in the corrections department go through daily when going to work and the kinds of individuals the officers have to put up with and tolerate no matter the crime. I am also able to understand about the risks my father puts himself in everyday when he leaves to work and that he is susceptible of getting injured or harmed while at work, which has occurred twice already. However, those who do not have a close relationship with a correctional officer do not understand what it is like and rather go with what the negative feedback the media says. Having experience with a correctional officer allows one to have a better understanding in comparison to those who have never had a relation with a correctional

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