Copper Sun Sparknotes

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Copper Sun is a book that involves a journey between slaves and an indentured servant during the slavery period in the mid-1700’s. This book gives the audience an insight of what Africans had to endure and their struggle of gaining back their freedom. Amari, a 15-year-old girl from Ziavi, Africa, is oblivious to the dangers heading toward her village. While Polly, an American 15-year-old, has lived her life as an unprivileged poor white person who has paid no interest in slaves whatsoever. They are bought by the same man and have to learn to tolerate each other as they are forced to share the same room quarters and duties. The book starts off with Amari walking through her village, admiring the place where she grew up. Besa is then introduced …show more content…

Derby went into labor with no warning or doctors near by. Mr. Derby began to panic and turned to Amari and Polly for some assistance while he leaves to find a doctor in the next town. During the childbirth, Amari and Polly are forced to deliver the baby and are shocked to discover the baby is of color. Mrs. Derby explained that she was having an affair with her personal slave, Noah, who she was in love with. They decided to form a plan to keep the baby a secret but when Mr. Derby came back with the doctor he discovered the truth. He became enraged and killed the baby and Noah. He decided to send back Amari, Polly, and Tidbit, the son of a slave who was also involved in the incident, and sell them off. At the sight of light they were sent off into the same wagon they arrived in, but they quickly escape before reaching their …show more content…

Derby would send dogs and people looking for them in the North. They were told a place called Fort Mose located in Spanish Florida was owned by a spanish king that welcomed slaves and people searching for freedom. They traveled on foot where they suffered fatigue, dehydration, and sickness on most days, but they kept going by reminding them that freedom was worth much more. They encountered many people but were fortunate enough to escape easily or receive help from them. After months of traveling they made it to paradise where they were greeted by a former slave who ensured them that they would be happy here as long as they pledged allegiance to the king. They finally felt safe, which is a feeling they had not felt in a long time. Amari then is comforted by a resident who informs her she is carrying a child. Amari realizes that the baby is the result of continuous rape from Clay, Mr. Derby’s son, but soon promises to protect her child and do everything in her power not to let her child know what enslavement feels

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