Constructivism For Multipolar World Theory

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Holism as used herein, means that the state's interests are not endogenous to actors (it does not matter if these are states, corporations, industries or individuals), they are not strictly fixed but are institutionalized and affected/ adopted by the entire international system. That is, the field of international relations is an independent living and constitutive environment, interests and identities of social actors are constructed by shared ideas, that is, by the culture in which they are rooted and are never imposed by anyone single on anybody-else once and for all - without interaction with others. Consistently applied to analysis of reality, this method demonstrates that all the national features (security, interests, survival, etc.) are integrated (embedded) in the norms and values that constitute these identities. Consequently, national interests consist of Internationally shared ideas and beliefs, these create structure in international political life and attach the meaning to it. The importance of constructivism for Multipolar World Theory has been already discussed earlier. The most important accent of this approach is assigned to theoretical constructs that often acquire critical importance in implementation of one or another project. Ideas about the world create the world itself, and if not shaping it exactly as imagined, then, at least, attaching some qualitative features to it. Consequently, the system of International Relations is mainly the result of its construction during the development process of theoretical field of IR as a discipline. Most constructivists analyze International Relations by examining the goals, threats, culture and other elements of "Social Reality" on the International arena as social co... ... middle of paper ... ...eople. They also learned how to deconstruct and re-construct the world anew. This practice is of critical importance to Multipolar World Theory. However, it must be applied in a different context and for other tasks. By realizing that the applied rules under the pretext of self-evidence and universalism (eg.technical progress, democracy, human rights, tolerance, humanism and the market economy, free media, etc.), we are dealing with projection of only one of the civilizations, and with the features inherent only in one historical phase of this civilization, we will be able to easily locate the western discourse, to subject it to deconstruction and thus, release semantic field for constructing a different reality. The world created by us, not by them, can be and should be only multipolar. And to make it in the image of our design - it remains only to construct it.

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