Consciousness In Karl Marx's The German Ideology

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Karl Marx 's famous; The German Ideology opens with a detailed summary on the Hegelian tradition 19th century idealist German philosophers. The Hegelian philosophers focused on consciousness. Marx distinguishes from himself with earlier historians, particularly Hegel, who insisted on the predominance of the idea in their understandings of history. Consciousness is considered to be from the beginning a social product and remains so as long as men exist. Karl Marx distinguished several theories on the creation of consciousness enabling mankind to better understand the society that they are a part of. He defined consciousness as the knowledge of knowing something; which was created by humans in order to understand their environment in which …show more content…

Men began to distinguish themselves from animals as soon as they began to produce their means of subsistence. By producing their own means of subsistence, men are indirectly producing their own material life. A primary feature in understanding the theory of consciousness is to firstly comprehend the history of man, beginning with the development of the bourgeois society through modernization. The division of society was the initial stage of consciousness where individualism was placed on the ownership of land, labor and …show more content…

For Marx in "The German Ideology" people 's ideas and ideologies are conditioned by the historical formation of powers of production and relations of production. This is the ground for Marx 's famous distinction between economical base; which includes the forces of production, relations of production and division of labor and the "superstructure" which includes culture, ideology, religion etc. For Marx, the superstructure is determined by the material base, and not as the Idealist philosophers would have

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