Congo Basin Rainforest

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Illegal logging has been a growing problem in rainforests such as the Congo Basin. People go there to illegally find profit everyday. This, in turn, leads to rapid deforestation. Preventing illegal logging in the Congo Basin needs to be the first action firmly put into place in the long line of strategies that would help conserve this mighty forest. Putting this action into effect will allow residents of the forest to obtain resources easier, allow agencies to use methods of tree removal that will lessen the impact on the forest, and finally will save animals in the area that are already endangered.

Many people currently live in the Congo Basin rainforest that depend on its natural resources. They rely on these items to make a living, ensuring that they don't run out of money for their family. However, because of illegal loggers, they are slowly running out of resources that they can collect. In the passage, "Solutions to Protect the Congo Basin Rainforest," it states, "Most people depend on the forest for subsistence …show more content…

In the passage, "Solutions to Protect the Congo Basin Rainforest," it states, "Various agencies work to ensure more sustainable methods of tree removal and farming techniques that have minimal impact on the forests. There are agencies working towards zero deforestation in the rainforest by 2020." This shows that agencies are rapidly trying to work towards applying sustainable methods of tree removal. If illegal logging is stopped, they won't have to deal with more deforestation then they would have liked. Additionally, in the passage, "The Congo Basin Rainforest," it states, "In the passage, "The Congo Basin Rainforest," it states, "Individuals cut down 5-8 times more trees than timber companies do." This shows that illegal loggers are destroying much more land than legal agencies

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