Confucius's The Analects

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When reading through The Analects, audience could find out that Confucius has led people a way to truly understand learning and how to enjoy learning. Not only did Confucius pointed out the great importance of reviewing what people have learned, but he also said “He who is able to acquire new ideas while reviewing old knowledge is worthy of being a teacher” (passage 2.10, The Analects) to emphasize that how people make good use the knowledge they learned to improve themselves is even more essential than gaining knowledge. When saying “acquire new ideas”, Confucius is actually referring to expanding knowledge based on what has been learned to more new domains. When students graduated from an actuarial science program from college with a solid …show more content…

For example, when a graduate steps out of the school and enter the insurance company, he is well equipped with the fundamental mathematical and business knowledge, as well as the analytic skills and understanding of market behavior. Only when he is able to apply his knowledge and skills to his work after, he is starting to become an influential actuary. Moreover, he should learn from people around him by listening to their opinions and observe how they what they learn to deal with various situations at work. Even the great master Confucius had to reflect on himself that “Am I a learned man? No I am not. But if a farmer asks me a question and my mind is a total blank, I shall keep turning the question over in my mind until I come up with an answer” and “There are those people who can do without knowledge, but I am not one of them. I listen to many views and choose the sound ones to follow. I see many things and keep them in my memory. Knowledge attained this way is the second best” (passage 7.28, The Analects). Knowledgeable as Confucius is, he kept seeking and absorbing new ideas from people around him to improve himself. Learning is

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