Conformity In Society: The Different Types Of Conformity

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The term I chose to research was conformity. It is a way of following what others do either by peer pressure or not knowing certain information. Conformity impacts everyone socially and physically and is needed for the culture of others. We think and create different deciding factors for our decisions when impacted by conformity. There is two different types of conformity called Normative and Informational conformity which are both backed up by studies, one is helpful while I'd say the other one isn't. Then we read about an article on teen conformity that was informational and helpful. Even after all the research studied, I had questions that can or can not be answered yet. Conformity in Society No one is made the same way, you won’t …show more content…

Informational Conformity is, “...when conformity helps us make the right decision in a situation where we aren't sure what to do”(McCann, 2017, p. 149). It’s the logical part of conformity where we use common sense and follow whatever others are doing. This is so very interesting to me because I feel like I do this all the time to get by in life. An example of this would be the Stanford Prison Experiment mentioned in (McCann, 2017). They explained how the “guards” used role model examples from movies and TV shows to base how they were going to act. One way I have used informational conformity would be when I was on the bus and it stopped at a bus stop and no one got on or off, but the driver did not drive away, he just stopped the bus for a while. No one else was worried or asking questions so I just stayed where I was and did what everyone else was doing, which was nothing. After a couple minutes the driver began driving again. Later I learned that the bus will wait at a stop if it is ahead of its route …show more content…

So the beginning of the article starts out with the explanation of an episode in the Twilight Zone that has to do with conformity. What’s funny is I remember this episode that they described so I knew this article was already off to a good start. The author talked about conformity and how it affects you, “Of course, there is healthy conformity. Listening when your mother tells you to wash the dishes is considered healthy...the unhealthy kind, in which teens blindly follow the ideas and actions of a group of people...,”(Bhatia, 2017, par.5). I see the healthy conformity as informational conformity, while the unhealthy one as normative. The author mentions perfect models in magazines and all over social media as a factor to a rise in conformity and I completely agree with this. Photoshop has made standards of teens go up to something unreachable. One fact that stood out to me was, “Makeup usage has shot up by 90 percent just in the last decade”(Bhatia, 2017, par 9). I mean, little girls are now out wearing lipsticks and stuff id never have worn in public at their age. As a teen I recognize how people want to not be different from others, and fear comes along with that burden(Bhatia, 2017). At the end of this article, the author explains how parents can change this overbearing conformity by giving their children sympathy. I don’t understand how that would

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