Comparison Of Warm Bodies And The Walking Dead

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Would you like to talk with strangers and make friends with them? People in the society enjoy having a conversation every day because they want to build up relationships with each other. In the movie Warm Bodies by Jonathan Levine comic book The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, zombies are “The Other” because they are not human. R, the main character in Warm Bodies, has the conscience since he is a zombie at the beginning of the story. After he falls in love with a human girl named Julie, he wants to mitigate the tension between human and the zombies. Unfortunately, Julie’s father, General Grigio, wants to kill R because he believes zombies are not communicable and they harm human. The Walking Dead describes “The Other” as both zombies and humans. …show more content…

In the post-apocalypse, people cannot trust other people easily because all people’s human instinct is selfish if people struggle for survival in a difficult situation. Many people describe others as something that is different from ordinary or someone that is unknowing and unacceptable. “The Other” occurs in Warm Bodies and The Walking Dead because misunderstanding, racism and changed society are three factors effect to people’s judgment on strangers.
The first factor is misunderstanding. Many people misunderstand the others’ personality character because they judge people by using their own way. For example, zombies are “The others” for human because they are living dead. In the essay Perfect Strangers: The Zombies Imaginary and the Logic of Representation, Gordon Coonfiled, the author, …show more content…

Some people judge strangers at first sight based on people’s appearance and race. In chapter three of The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman, Rick, the main character, and his group meet four strangers at a prison. Dexter, one of the four prisoners, is a tall, strong black man. He tells Rick’s group that he was a murder before society collapsed. After a member find out that two girls were murdered, they suspect Dexter is the murder and believe that Dexter is a threat (Kirkman). Even though Dexter is innocent, Rick’s group still has a bias towards him. Rick’s group believes that prisoners are dangerous and untrustworthy. Dexter is the first person that people suspect because his experience make people fear and his appearances looks as a popular type of villains from movie. The racism exists in Warm Bodies too. Julie’s father, General Grigio, tries to kill R because he has the authority to protect other people and believes that R is enemy because he is zombies. (Levine) Some people are stubborn and they do not want to change their mind when they judge people. Grigio refuses to accept R because R is not a human. However, a person who is racist will judge a stranger who has the different culture and background is the other because he or she thinks strangers do not fit in the community. As the result, people judge strangers to be “The Other” when they believe people are different race cannot join

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