Comparison Of Voltaire's Candide: The Beautiful And Crazy Journey

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In the Voltaire’s Candide: The Beautiful and Crazy Journey, Candide is the main protagonist. He is one of the most tantalizing characters in the whole story. At the very beginning, Candide has a philosophy of optimism which he got from Pangloss, his beloved tutor. This type of outlook you could only get from someone else in your life. Candide was not born with optimism it is what he was taught by Pangloss. What Pangloss taught Candide is what he reflected on throughout the whole story and assessing each situation with optimism. No matter how crazy the matter was his outlook on his life stayed the same dealing with the consequences of his actions.
First, Candide was madly in love with Cunegonde who eventually noticed him and lead to flirtation. Her brother caught them but, he was ejected from his earthly paradise. However, Candide was heartbroken from this love for Cunegonde wandering around and meeting the Bulgars. The Bulgars were his first test of his optimism because they were a …show more content…

Pangloss would say, “That there cannot possibly be an effect without a cause and the best of all possible worlds.” (Voltaire 356). With all they have been through after the earthquake, shipwreck, beating, whipping, and what happened to Jacques. Candide did not lose his optimism on his journey and Voltaire wanted to show that things can happen to anyone. He found out that his home of Westphalia was raided and the soldiers killed everyone and raped the captors. Candide still did not lose his optimism, it made it grow and with the story from the old woman to me it made him believe you could survive anything. Just by hearing the old woman’s story it was shocking she was still alive. What Voltaire is presenting here about optimism is that someone will always have it worse than you. Later, in the story, Candide found out that Cunegonde was still alive, which made him believe in his

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