Comparison Of Room And Clevland Kidnapping

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Room Book and clevland kidnapping Marcilne Valmore once said “Are we not like two volumes of one book?” Some may say this is the case with the Novel “Room” and the true story of the clevleland kidnappings. Both are horrible stories on crimes against women commited by seemingly “normal” men. Based on their plot,characters and settings the book “Room” and the clevland kidnappings are more alike than diffrent. The plot of the book room closely resembles the case of the clevland kidnappings. A way in which the plot of “Room” and clevleland are similar are both stories involve the kidnapping of young teenage women. The character “Ma” from room was just a young ninteen year old women when she was lured and kidnapped from her college campus. …show more content…

The plot of the room and the clevland kidnapping also is resembled in the way that both victims went through unimaginary amounts of rape and abuse. Shortly after being kidnapped “Ma” concived a baby by her prisoner “Old nick” She gave birth to the baby but the child shortly died after of suffication from the umbilical cord. This closely resembles the story of Michelle Knight as she has reported her Kidnapper Ariel Castro induced miscarages by beating and sometimes starvations. “Ma” is also significantly simillar to the victim Amanda berry. Both women conviced and gave birth to children by their kidnappers. The final resmeblence in the plot of “ Room” and the clevland kidnappings is the escape. In the book “Room” Ma pretends jack is dead and has old nick take his body wrapped up in the rug he …show more content…

Both the novel room and the clevland kidnappings take place in modern time. Its not known the exacty date in which “Room” takes place but it is known to be modern time. Ariel castro first kidnapping took place on august,23rd.2002. There is also a resemblance in the setting of the houses of both “Old nick” and ariel castro. In the movie of “ Room” old nick’s house is a regular looking house on the block with a huge back yard and a small shed making people think it was used for storage. Ariel castro house was also similar to the “Normal” houses on the block. Castro lived by himself in a two story 4 bedroom one bathroom house” The house doors were mostly kept clothes and windows were covered. Castro never entered the house through the front door only through the back door. The final distrurbing resemblance of “Room” and the cleveland kidnappings was the soundproof rooms the victims were locked in In “Room Ma and jack lived in those four walls with the basics needed to live. The clevland victim’s were kept on the second floor in seprerate rooms from each other. All rooms were soundproof and all the windows were covered. Had they not escaped they still would be there till this

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