Comparison Of Communism And Fascism

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After “The Great War” (this will be referred to as World War I after World War II happens), the world will see the emergence of different political movements within certain countries. Two main political movements that will play a role in future world events will be fascism and communism. These two movements will look different from each other obviously but also will look different depending on what country in terms of fascism and communism. However, even with certain interpretations differing in each country the political movements will still have the same basic principles no matter what country. To better understand both Communism and Fascism try comparing them to Democracy. Democracy argues that your individual liberties matter and tends …show more content…

After Lenin gains control he creates his “NEW Economic Policy”, his goal with this would be to industrialize and modernize Russia as quickly as possible. He is successful in doing things such as, electrification of Russia, because of nationalization or the process of private own industries being taken over by the state. After Lenin dies in 1925 and after the exile of Trotsky, the person that Lenin wanted to take over the communist party, he will be exiled due to the communist party thinking Trotsky was a traitor. Another person (who was the one who convinced the communist party that Lenin’s successor was a “traitor”) by the name of Josef Stalin will become the leader of the communist party and Russia. Then in 1929, Stalin will introduce his “First Five-year plan”. Stalin wanted Russia to compete with the most industrialized countries in the world at this time. His goal was to modernize Russia so he uses the policy of urbanization (moving people from the rural farm areas to the city). He does not do this by asking them to move, Stalin will force over 31 million peasants to the cities while leaving some peasants on farms to continue producing crops. Then Stalin will focus on industrialization. …show more content…

Communism and Fascism will both use some type of control of the people to get others to submit to their ideology and to submit to their rule. Democracy will take a different approach; if one was to look at the United States during the time prior to WWII, you will see colonization in a new form consider neo-colonization. This is where the United States will go from using military presence in other countries to impose imperialism to pulling back the military and using a financial approach with policies such as “Good Neighbor Policy”. An example of neocolonialism in Latin American would be the “sweet heart treaties” which would guarantee financial security in Haiti and St. Dominica. The United States in the early 1930’s will send US marines to Haiti to train Haitian police officers, in hopes that it would one produce a better-trained police force and two this would better prepare Haiti to be ready to defend if war was to break out again. Then after WWII around 1948, the US starts to realize to capitalize and democratize the world that it would need to invest. The United States using the Marshal Plan to try and spread Democracy. The Marshall Plan in basic terms was a way for the United States to give financial support to countries that claimed and proved they were Democratic. An example would be in West Germany, where the

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