Comparison Of Black Swan Green And Letters To A Young Poet

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Black Swan Green and Letters to a Young Poet are stories with a central idea on the many aspects of beauty. Both of the works of literature share a character with a love for poetry. Black Swan Green and Letters to a Young Poet share a central idea but refine it differently. Each of the stories has characters who have a different opinion on the concept of beauty itself. In Black Swan Green the author David Mitchell refines the idea of beauty in a different manner than the way Letters To a Young Poet delivers its message. Mitchell uses the idea that being truthful or just the embracing the truth is beautiful. Madame Crommelynck advises Jason on truth and why it is needed in poetry. Madame says “if an art is true if an art is free of falsenesses, it is, a priori, beautiful” (p. 155). The second story Letters To a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke clarifies that beauty is not an opinion, beauty is its own entity that lives on its own. Rilke advises the young poet to quit looking for outside approval or opinion regarding his works. “I beg you …show more content…

Letters To a Young Poet and Black Swan Green develop the idea in a similar way with characters explaining it differently. In the latter of the two stories Madame Crommelynck tells Jason that “Beauty is immune to definition.” (P.148). In Rilke’s letter his last piece of advice warns him not to disturb his development as a poet by “by looking outside and waiting for outside answers to question that only your innermost feeling, in your most quietest hour, can perhaps answer.”(P.7) Both of the authors have wise characters teach a young aspiring writer trying to prove that their work is worthy. The central idea is delivered in a similar manner but with different methods of explanation. Beauty cannot be forced and it is not set upon, that is central idea developed over the course of the story with many aspects added as the idea

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