Comparing Willy Loman And A Raisin In The Sun

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Literally Analysis # 1 It’s commonly noticed that as an American it’s often known to dream of living what is known as the idea lifestyle. Which is considered living a wealthy and lavish lifestyle as an adult. Once life sets in many quickly realizes it’s just a dream in some cases. And for some the dream soon vanishes after it appears as if its untenable. The American dream home that many fantasize about would be to have a big house, with enough rooms for every induvial in the house hold and at least one to two bathrooms inside the house. A kitchen with more cabinet space then appliances and counter space. Depending on the location, a nice back yard with a possible pool or enough play room. Within the two stories, The Death of a Salesman and A Raisin in the sun. Its discussed how both families desire to live the life of an American Dream, whether it’s within the characters, settings and family relationships. The story, A …show more content…

Between both stories, they have a provider which in Death of a Salesman its Willy Loman. And in A Raisin in the Sun Walter Lee. Both characters believe in the American Dream of easy success and wealth. Willy Loman in Death of a Salesman, was a traveled salesman who never had any luck at being successful and neither did his sons. Eventually driving himself insane, once accepting the truths about himself. Despite his man failures, during the store Willy makes the most sacrifice oneself can ever do. Leaving his inheritance to Biff , allowing a chance at the American dream. In A Raisin in the Sun, Walter Lee is described as the son of Mama, a defiant husband, and a caring Father. Majority of the families suffering is all because of Walter Lee’s actions and mistakes. Although he believes in that money will solve everything he is rarely successful with money. Once Walter Lee grasp the concept that his plan to raise a family up and given them the American dream house while living in poverty would never

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