Comparing The Pay Gap Between Wealth And The Poor

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In life, people usually stereotype individuals based on their income. There are two extremes to income, which are wealthy and poor. The middle class, which most people were classified as years ago, has almost vanished completely. The pay gap between the wealthy and the poor people has become increasingly diverse over the past decade. Everyone has always wanted to be wealthy, but not everyone has succeeded in becoming wealthy. Unlike some people Michael Eisner, CO. CEO of Walt Disney, has become very wealthy. He made more money in one day than some people made in over ten years. “By exercising his stock options, Eisner boosted his take to an astounding five hundred and seventy-five million- more than a million dollars a day” (Cooper). The wealthy people are rising above the poor and middle class and becoming more common than the others. If you would have researched about income a few years ago the middle class and the poor would have been more people than the wealthy. The numbers of poor and middle class people has not changed, but the number of wealthy people has increased tremendously. Poor people has not increased or decreased over the years unlike the wealthy people. One reason why it is not changing is that since there are more wealthy people and money the Cashion 2 …show more content…

Because of this, a person has to pay more and still causes them to be poor, even though we have more industries and factories. Since taxes rates have decreased over the years and the government is not doing so well they have thought about cutting out social security or just doing away with it. If they do so it will hurt the lower class people the most but will not affect the upper class so much. The lower class people will keep becoming poorer and poorer as the years go buy. “’the average pretax income for the bottom ninety percent of households is almost nine hundred dollars below what it was in 1979,’”

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