Comparing The Hebrew Bible And The Epic Of Gilgamesh

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The Epic of Gilgamesh is a fascinating story that has been one of the oldest tales known to mankind. Being a piece of literature from Mesopotamia, we see there is great relation between the Old Testament Hebrew Bible and The Epic of Gilgamesh. Many themes, motifs, and characters in the story point back and compare to the Hebrew Bible. In this essay, I will be discussing a few of these relationships between the Old Testament and The Epic of Gilgamesh. The ideas I will be presenting are the relationships of the Epic’s flood and its similarities to the Old Testament story of Noah’s Ark, the character of the serpent in The Epic of Gilgamesh and the events of the Garden of Eden, and the commonality of Samson in the Old Testament and Enkidu. The …show more content…

The hearts of the Great Gods moved them to inflict the Flood. (Tablet XI 9-14) From this quote from the poem above, Utanapishtim is warning Gilgamesh of this flood in order to give him warning so his life would be spared. Likewise, Genesis 6:13 warns Noah of the wrath that will upon the sinful people through the flood. This serves as a warning for him and his family too. Not only are the texts similar through the act of forewarning of the floods, but both The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Old Testament give instructions to Gilgamesh and Noah of how to protect themselves from the floods they …show more content…

In Genesis 3, Satan, in the form of serpent, convinces Eve to indulge in the fruit on the Tree of Knowledge, which God specifically said not to eat. This causes Adam and Eve to lose their immortality and perfection and eventually die (Genesis 3: 1-6). In The Epic of Gilgamesh, Utanapishtim tells Gilgamesh of a thorn bush type plant that will give youthfulness. As Gilgamesh proceeded home, they stopped to camp and Gilgamesh found a pond to bathe in, leaving behind the plant. In Tablet XI 308-310 in The Epic of Gilgamesh: “A snake caught the scent of the plant, Stealthily, it came up and carried the plant away, on its way back it shed its skin” (Tablet XI 308-310). Although the stories are different in the way the snake acts in order to steal the characters immorality: however, both stories we see how a deceptive serpent steals away eternal life to the characters through the means of plant or

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