Comparing Presidency And Monarchy's Presidency

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Monarchy v/s Presidency There are several forms of state governance in politics. These systems would have hold on the basic governmental powers like taxation, police power and power of eminent domain. Although there are several forms, the ones that cover its extremes would be Monarchy and Presidency. Monarchy is a form of government where sovereignty is nominally embodied in a single individual. It can be a king, queen or an Emperor entitled to have total power of the country. Whereas Presidency which is often termed as democracy, is the form of government made by the people to serve the people. Notably, there are significant differences and similarities in the structure of the government, the process and the output. In detail, it starts …show more content…

Monarchy has been here since antiquity. Comparatively, Presidential form of government can be called as a newer form of government. It’s said to have existed since 500 BC but it wasn’t in the exact form as it is now. Presidential form of govt. has seen radical changes in their ideas and concepts. The method of selection of the Monarch doesn’t involve voting or opinion of the general public in most of the cases. In contrast, democracy is built on the concept that the ruler would be a representative of the people. Democracy’s widely known definition says ‘of the people, by the people and for the people’. The core concept of Democracy lies in involving the common people in framing the rules and regulations of the country, taking the country forward and the country’s prosperity. In monarchy, the crown is passed to the next generation as the successor. It usually is the children of the existing ruler who inherits the power and holds the power until his death or abdication. The rule is more like a family affair. When it comes to framing the laws, the king makes the law in Monarchy but the people and government together makes the law in Democracy. This can be noted as a drawback of Monarchy since the laws for the people are in the hands of the ruler

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