Comparing Newspaper Articles to See if the Type of Newspaper Affects the Length of Words and Sentences

1938 Words4 Pages

Comparing Newspaper Articles to See if the Type of Newspaper Affects the Length of Words and Sentences

In this piece of coursework I will compare two newspaper articles to

see if the type of paper of newspaper affects the length of words and

the length of sentences. To do this, I have chosen a broadsheet

newspaper, The Times and a tabloid newspaper, The Daily mail.

I am going to compare the average word length as well as, the average

sentence length.

The broadsheet seems to be a more political and complex newspaper as

intellectual and intelligent people tend to read it and on average, I

expect it to a have a longer word and sentence length whereas, I

expect the tabloid to have more pictures and less complex language

therefore, shorter words and shorter sentence lengths to make it a

simpler paper to read for the less intelligent people can read it.

I am going to compare two newspapers, a tabloid and a broadsheet

making sure that I find a similar article from the same day so I can

minimize the bias and end up with a fair result.

I am going to use 100 words as I feel that it is a reasonable sized

article and I have enough words to get good comparison. Then I am

going to record my results in a tally table as I feel itÂ’s quick and

easy to use and also, just as convenient to read.

I am going to plot my results in a cumulative frequency diagram so I

can find the median, the higher and lower quartile as well as, the

inter quartile range. Also, I am going to make a box plot to compare

the results and get a clearer view of my results from the cumulative

frequency diagram. I am going to make use of the rest of the averages;

the mean, mode and the range to compare my results.

However, I envisaged a few problems:

. Am I going to include numbers?

. Am I going to include names?


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