Comparing Girl And If By Jamaica Kincaid

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Today i'm gonna be talking about the two stories Girl and If by Jamaica Kincaid and Rudyard Kipling. These two stories teach how to last in the world by yourself. You can learn a lot from these parents in the stories. You can also learn how to be a good parent yourself in the future by taking a few minutes to read these. One difference is in the story girl it's a daughter and mother. Another difference is in the story if it a boy and father. I know this because the title is named girl another reason is in the text it says “Wash the white clothes on Monday and put them on the stone heap; wash the color clothes on Tuesday and put them on the clothesline to dry; don't walk barehead in the hot sun; cook pumpkin fritters in very hot sweet oil; soak your little cloths right after you take them off; when buying cotton to make yourself a nice blouse”. I also know that in the story if it is a boy and father because in the text it says “ If you can keep your head …show more content…

Another similarity is that both parents are trying to turn the kids into adults. I know this because in the text it says “ be sure that it doesn't have gum on it, because that way it won't hold up well after a wash; soak salt fish overnight before you cook it; is it true that you sing Antiguan songs in Sunday school; always eat your food in such a way that it won't turn someone else's stomach; on Sundays try to walk like a lady and not like a “boy crazy girl” like you are so bent on becoming; don't sing Antiguan songs in Sunday school; you mustn't speak to wharf–rat boys”. In the text named If it says “If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with Kings--nor lose the common touch, if neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you, if all men count with you, but none too much If you can fill the unforgiving minute with sixty seconds worth distance run, yours is the Earth and everything that's in it, and which is more--you'll be a man, my

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