Comparing 'Commitments And Hills Like White Elephants'

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The poem, “Commitments” by Essex Hemphill addresses the family relations of a gay son and his relatives. Hemphill exposes his urgent need for recognition and support from his loving family. He expresses how a secret that the family does not want to tell isolates him. Hemphill takes a stance that shows he is lonely, bitter, and deprived of his proper place in the family. He not only reveals his innermost feelings but also portrays the image of lies and insincerity which surround him in the family. In the beginning of the poem, Hemphill suggests there is a problem when he states, “When the silence is exhumed. When the photographs are examined.” This tells us that the truth will be revealed when the relatives look back at the photos and begin to talk and bring to light who he was. His secret will be brought from obscurity into view and the family will finally see the real person. Immediately in the first stanza you get the impression of lack of support and understanding of his gay lifestyle. In the second and fourth verse, Hemphill describes family celebrations. The detailed portrayal of a family gathering provides an emphasis of a made-up appearance of a happy family and time spent together. It may look like a typical barbeque or holiday but you get the impression that …show more content…

“That’s all we do, isn’t it – look at things and try new drinks?” (Hemingway 553). The couple is not discussing the real issue. They just push their problem aside and he makes light of the operation. The girl is apprehensive because she is afraid of losing him and his love. Hemphill feels the same about his family; if they find out or acknowledge that he is gay he may lose their love and respect. Hemphill chooses to keep his secret because he still wants and needs to be included even though he can never share his life with

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