Comparing Barthelme's The School And The Lady With Dog

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From this week's reading assignments, I gathered quite a bit of knowledge in the postmodernist features. In retrospect, I was a bit confused on all the features and point of views with postmodernism vs. postmodernist. The two readings being of Barthelme's "The School" and "The Lady With Dog", by Chekhov. These two works were odd and similar. I identified a feature that I thought would work best for "The School", "There is no such thing as truth." I chose this feature because after all the death these students encountered, in the end the teacher had no real conclusion on where all the deceased had gone. The students feared this conclusion and came up with various "alternate endings" for those that had passed. There is no truth because as children we are taught to lie to protect others. Before this moment occurs children are brutally honest and at this point truth is gone because despite not having been told there is a Heaven or Hell, ashes to ashes, or nothing happened they are just gone. The children lie to themselves to get on with life. The truth is not found because we don't know why everything seemed to die. Bad luck or not life is a cycle. The children moved on surprisingly with a new gerbil. …show more content…

One in a classroom and another in Yalta. Death surrounds "The School" and lust and confusion are the main flaws in "The Lady With The Dog." I did not like the first reading but what intrigued by the old man and young woman. Both were a depressing letdown that went on and on. I did not want to hear about something else dying nor did I want to hear the old man was being such a selfish chauvinist. Although at the end I could see this as a painting. The students though as a dark comedy piece performed in a play. There is no truth in the endings of these two stories. Death happens and... Depression and Infidelity.. let downs. No one lived with

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