Comparing Acceptance In Something Wicked This Way Comes 'And'

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J.K. Rowling stated, “Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.” Acceptance is a common theme shared throughout the texts. In Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury and “If” by Kipling, acceptance is shown through characterization. Acceptance is described through point of view in “The Third and Final Continent” by Lahiri. Additionally acceptance is described through the setting in Something Wicked This Way Comes and “The Third and Final Continent”. The theme of accepting everything in one’s life is shown in Something Wicked This Way Comes, “If”, and “The Third and Final Continent”, through the use of literary devices. The theme of acceptance is explained and described using …show more content…

Point of view can commonly show how people move on from experiences. In Something Wicked This Way Comes, Mr. Halloway explains to the boys that they must “... watch out the rest of our lives”(Bradbury 288). After they discover that the carnival is not exactly as it seems, the boys must figure out how they are going to move on from the experience. For Will, the carnival created the most stress because the carousel almost turned Jim into an old man. Now Will has to accept that fact and continue his life. Sometimes acceptance is shown by allowing people in one’s life. In Jhumpa Lahiri’s short story, “The Third and Final Continent” he explains his story of moving to America. In his process he learns how to love his wife. “I like to think of the months that followed as a honeymoon of sorts”(Lahiri 35). Jhumpa Lahiri had to accept that this woman is now his wife. The different points of view of both of the stories shows how the characters accept the challenges differently and how they live their lives after accepting the hardship. Depending on where the story takes place could determine what the characters must accept in their …show more content…

The setting can change how the characters look at things that happen in the story. In Something Wicked This Way Comes, most of the story takes place at the carnival. The boys assume that it is just a normal carnival until they learn the truth. In the library Mr. Halloway finds an article that has the “Same ads. Same names. Same initials”(Bradbury 192). Jim and Will realize that the carnival is not normal and they must accept that and try to stop the people behind the carnival. Setting may also show how someone must learn to live with what they have. “The Third and Final Continent” explains how Jhumpa Lahiri, now living in America, still has many obstacles to overcome. In his new house with Mrs. Croft, his bedroom, “... contained a twin bed under a sloping ceiling, a brown oval rug, a basin with an exposed pipe, and a chest of drawers”(Lahiri 27). Upon moving to America Jhumpa Lahiri thought it would be much better than before, but it still caused many challenges. The home he lived in did not have much; however, he accepted this and lived there knowing it could be worse. The setting the characters live in can have an influence on how they accept their challenges. The setting can change how the characters live, which can change how they look at different experiences. Acceptance by characters is shown differently through different literary

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