Compare The Women's Right Movement To The Reform Movement

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The Reform Movement lasted from 1820 to 1860 and is a social movement that was designed to make a gradual change or a change in a specific aspect of society. There were several different reforms in this time period that drastically changed the American Society for the better. Two main reforms were the Abolition movement and the Women’s Right movement. Both of these movements wanted a certain change is society. The Abolition movement wanted to emancipate all of slavery and racism immediately, while the Women’s Right movement was assembled to gain all women across the country the respect and rights they deserved. The Abolition movement was a political and social movement that was aimed to liberate all slaves and to eliminate segregation and …show more content…

The two people who started the first woman's rights convention in 1848 were Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. Elizabeth Stanton was a well known 19th century suffragist and civil rights activist who became apart of this abolitionist movement. She then went on and established the National Women’s Loyal League later formed the National Woman's Suffrage Association. The next women was Lucretia Mott and she was one of the main voices of the abolitionist and feminist movements of her time. Lucretia was raised in a Quaker community and later found herself among the founders of the American Women’s Rights Movement. The Seneca Falla Woman’s Rights Convention in 1848 started this monumental movement. The advocates of the convention recruited supporters and made actions and decisions to forward the movement. In addition, the participants developed the Declaration of Sentiments. This declaration was modeled after the Declaration of Independance and was made to compare the struggles of the Founding Fathers to those of the womans movement and to declare they desired equalty. After 100 people signed this declaration there were a couple more conventions. The Women’s Right Movement grew into a group of united individuals who were determined to change …show more content…

The Women’s Rights Movement provided eaquality to all woman and established women’s rights across the country. The Abolition Movement was strongly against slavery and all types of descrimination of any kind. I believe the Women’s Rights Movement improved American lives the most. I believe this because people in the 19th century didn’t think is was even possible to gain women the right to vote. To add on, this one movemnet affected all women throughout the country a rediculous amount. This movemnet granted women the respect and rights they truely earned. Also, eventhough the Abolition Movement affected the whole country it also contributed to the Civil War which didn’t improve any American

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