Compare Mercutio To Blame For The Death Of Romeo And Juliet

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Persuasive. Brawling. Holy. These three words describe Mercutio and Friar Lawrence are in William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo, and Juliet. Mercutio persuades Romeo to go to the party. He likes to brawl and instigates fights with Tybalt. Friar Lawrence is a holy man; he wishes the best for everyone and tries to do what he thinks will help others although some people may believe he is to blame for Romeo and Juliet’s death. Because both Mercutio and Friar Lawrence make choices in the play that affect Romeo and Juliet, many people argue who is more to blame. While some people feel Friar Lawrence is most at fault because he gives Juliet the potion to fake her death, ultimately, however, Mercutio is most to blame for the young lovers’ deaths because he tells Romeo to go the Capulet’s party and instigates a fight. …show more content…

Mercutio says, “Nay, gentle Romeo, we must have you dance…You are a lover. Borrow Cupid's wings. And soar with them above a common bound” (1.4.13-18). Mercutio persuades Romeo and says he is a gentle person and he gets all the girls and that he should go to the party to get over Rosaline and when they go to the party Romeo meets Juliet and falls in love with her, then marries her in a day. This is where Tybalt sees Romeo at the party making Tybalt wanting to kill

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