Compare And Contrast Women And Lady Macbeth

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Lady Macbeth is similar to a typical woman in the Elizabethan era as she is loyal and devoted to her husband.
She deliberately tried to suppress her feminine qualities in order to exercise power (similar to a typical Elizabethan woman as Lady Macbeth sees the need to suppress her feminine qualities, which shows that she too is aware that a man is more able to exercise power)
She helped him to obtain the throne by providing guidance and assistance, thus allowing him to carry out the murder quickly and efficiently, and succeed Duncan. She did not hesitate to do what was necessary in order for her husband, Macbeth to become king, and continuously encouraged and provided support for him.
In act 1 scene 5, when she read the letter Macbeth had written to her, she was willing to do all the planning for the murder of the king, for her husband. She says “leave all the rest to me.” She tried to help him to the best of her abilities as she was a loyal and caring wife, who was fully aware of his weaknesses- his weak resolve and fear. The only thing that stopped her from helping Macbeth to kill Duncan was only due to the fact that he looked like her father when he was asleep. However, she was the mastermind behind the planning …show more content…

When Macbeth began to panic after the magnitude of what he had just done hits him, Lady Macbeth comforts and soothes him, just like any other devoted Elizabethan woman would have if her husband were distressed. As Macbeth started to unravel due to the guilt that he was beginning to feel after murdering King Duncan, he recounted the fear of the two servants when they realised that he was going to murder them and how, “List'ning their fear I could not say “Amen,”/ When they did say “God bless us!” Lady Macbeth, in an attempt to soothe him, advises him to, “Consider it not so deeply.” and tells him that, “These deeds must not be thought/ After these ways. So, it will make us

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