Compare And Contrast Socrates And Socrates

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Martin Luther King Jr. and Socrates, both born in different time periods, are both similar in the fact that they are both defending their beliefs, and so different with regards to their approach for redemption and their opinions on the issue of civil disobedience. Dr. King was victimized for his skin color, and Socrates for his way of thinking. Socrates and Martin, through the uses of persuasion and persona, convey that what they did was not civil disobedience, but that they acted for the betterment of society.
To start with, Socrates and King spent time in prison during their works, King in Birmingham’s Jail and Socrates residing in a prison in Greece. Both refused to give up their arguments in exchange for their departure. Socrates believes the “damage” he has caused can no longer be reversed by saying “if I escape now, your sons will all be utterly ruined by listening to my words,” (Plato 420). Both are aware that their accusers aren’t knowledgeable, Socrates says “he asked the oracle to tell him whether any one was wiser than I was, and the Pythian prophetess answered that ...

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