Compare And Contrast Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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When putting an eyeglass to christianity one cannot help but see the impactful dread that is puritan society. Amongst many text are two that stand out. “Sinners in the hands of an angry god” by jonathan edwards and ”The Minister's Black Veil” by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Both seek to drive a stress on the evils of secrecy but the more effective of these two is “The Minister's Black Veil, who's staying power makes it hard to forget The largest difference between “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” and “The Minister's Black Veil” is medium. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” is a sermon told to a live congregation in the early 1700’s. the other is a parable meant to be read in leisure and to explain a theology with a story. As a sermon “Sinners” is delivered with a predetermined style that is easily convicting and forceful.. This style, well know to be with its author jonathan Edwards, make its point more effective and serves well to make its …show more content…

This same reason works also on his choice of rhetorical devices. Repetition as well as anaphora are used very often and often back to back. it also uses lots of examples of imagery and metaphors such as arrow of righteousness and bow of salvation. The black veil however makes lots of references to imagery not unlike sinners but uses them in a way to create a dark tone. Author also uses a lot of symbolism to make prove points as a parable often does.sinners use of repetition and anaphora makes it more effective but in the long term it has little to no staying power. However the minister's black veil with it symbolism and imagery paints a picture that stays. The storytelling aspect of the parable helps to catalog it in our brains and in this way they are like antibiotics and tylenol. Tylenol which gives fast relief the quickly recedes and steroids that antibiotics that need to build up your body before they can take full effect but have a very powerful

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