Compare And Contrast Pearl And Chillingworth

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In The Scarlet Letter, by Nathaniel Hawthorne, Hester Prynne's first interaction with Roger Chillingworth in Massachusetts occurs whilst she standing on the platform of ignominy. Chillingworth, her husband, as if “dropping down, as it were, out of the sky, or starting from the nether earth,” suddenly appeared after a lengthy disappearance, having sent his wife to the Bay Colony ahead of himself. Ironically, Chillingworth appears at the exact moment when Hester is carrying Pearl in her arms, baring her to the Colony. As the reader is introduced to Pearl and Chillingworth, it seems that Pearl’s character traits derive little foundation from her genetic father, but are rather similar to Hester’s perception of Chillingworth. Hester, cognizant or …show more content…

Chillingworth first appeared in a peculiar mixture of “civilized and savage costume,” continuing to cover up his “well stricken” body with “heterogeneous garb.” Utterly contrasting is the radiant pearl. Housed within the fear that her daughter will emulate her mother’s husband, Hester commands Pearl through “gorgeous robes." Dressed in a drab attire herself, Hester expresses the love which Chillingworth repressed and her newfound freedom through “the child’s fanciful attire.” Until now, Hester has previously viewed love through a lense of constraint, but in this desire to clothe Pearl in the finest, Hester has found a proxy in which love can be freely …show more content…

Hester perceives Pearl to “look so intelligent,” a remnant of her past involvement in Chillingworth’s “remarkable intelligence.” His “native sagacity” allows him not only to excel in studying medicine and alchemy, but in his ability to read a human soul as well. In contrast to this, Pearl’s perception of the truth stems from a born intuition rather than conscious reasoning. Being a child, she has the ability to judge actions sans prior moral standards, basing her opinions solely on the truth shown to

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