Compare And Contrast Malala And Boo Radley

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In the face of opposition, a courageous person is someone who puts the needs of others before themselves and stands up for what is right, even if they stand alone. In our world today, Malala Yousafzai displays true courage when she stands up for girls’ education. Similarly, Boo Radley from To Kill a Mockingbird exhibits courage when he defies the stereotypes the community has for him by showing kindness to Jem and Scout. Both Malala Yousafzai and Boo Radley exemplify true courage as they both stand up to their oppressors, protect the vulnerable, and risk their lives for who they believe in. Courage is shown by both Malala and Boo when they peacefully stand up to their oppressors to benefit the lives of those around them.Since her …show more content…

Both Malala and Boo demonstrate this when they protect the children within their communities. Malala demonstrates courage when she runs the Malala fund, a foundation that advocates in girls rights and specifically education. On the website, it states “The Malala fund is asking governments to measure girls’ participation in a full 12 years of education” (Commitment). By helping to extend a girls education, Malala aids significantly in bettering the lives of these girls. The girls that the Malala fund protects are young; and without a voice they cannot change laws. In this way, Malala shows great courage as she stands up to world governments in order to protect children from a life without opportunity. On a more local scale, Boo Radley is viewed as a Malala figure to Jem and Scout. Throughout the novel he offers the children simple acts of kindness and near the end of the novel, saves their lives. Scout says “He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a pair of lucky pennies, and our lives” (Lee 373). When Bob Ewell attacks the children they do not have the power to overtake him. Despite his reluctance and perhaps anxiety of going outside, Boo ultimately decides he must help the children. In both situations, Boo and Malala showed courage in their actions when they chose to protect children they care

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