Compare And Contrast Iopularity By Adam Bagdasarianism

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Can you ever compare and contrast two protagonist from two different stories? My character in ¨Popularity¨ by Adam Bagdasarian has a lot of similarities and differences with the character in ¨The Ugly Duckling¨ by Hans Christian Andersen. Even though it doesn't seem like it. First off, both characters have many similarities. For example, The popular kids or the antagonists would make fun of Will for what he wears saying that he needs a ruler for his pants because there not aligned correctly. Including that the Ugly Duckling was made fun of for his looks by the good looking ducks which shows that they were both unpopular which is a similarity for both characters. Also, the mood in both stories were both very gloomy for the protagonists in both stories. Like how there recess playground has just black pavement and a few swings making the setting seem depressing. Also, Will hangs out with the two Allans and they make him more unpopular than he already is by himself. Plus, the Ugly Duckling is not good looking and the other ducks make fun of him for that which shows they both have obstacles to get …show more content…

For example, Will becomes popular and gets many friends but he still doesn't like it and he feels the same way before he was popular. He felt that he could trust know one and they weren't his true friends they were just his popular acquaintances. But for the Ugly Duckling he was ugly but then became beautiful and he became popular and he loved it. He was a beautiful swan and he had friends which of whom he trusted and liked. Plus, the Ugly Duckling was made fun of for his looks and his ugliness but Will was made fun of for not having many friends on the first place and the only friends he did have were even more unpopular than him. Furthermore this shows that even though they did both have obstacles to get through to have many friends and become popular they were very different obstacles and

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