Compare And Contrast Frank And The Minuteman

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Frank George(The Minuteman) is emotional about stopping illegal immigration.Morgan Spurlock set logic against logic and quarrel against quarrel by putting Frank in the apartment of illegal immigrants for 30 days. I cannot think a more realistic approach to the immigration debate than the one outlined in these thirty days. I differ with Frank’s opinion on immigration law.
Frank’s reaction to illegal immigrants is more emotional than rational. Mostly unlawful immigrants are committed to osmosing into American society by the second generation, Frank worries about losing the nation to Mexicans. Frank also concerns about aliens taking jobs from Americans(from an economic standpoint, cannot be considered a rational fear). Whenever illegal immigrants chant U.S.A., Frank responds by claiming “they don’t mean that.” Rather than embracing them for their love of his country, Frank irrationally begins worrying about their non-existent plans for revolution.
Frank repeats authoritatively,“We are a nation of laws,” as if he is ignorant that every nation in the world is a nation of laws. The Minutemen have unwisely taken the laws of their state into their own hands. When a government neglects to create or enforce a law, it is not the role of the citizen to do the …show more content…

For a democracy to function somewhat, citizens must concern themselves with whether or not rules are reasonable, but Frank troubles himself with whether or not regulations are obeyed. In a democracy, this is not the decorous role for an ordinary citizen like Frank but is instead reserved for trained law enforcement workers. Frank’s emotional enforcement of laws is frightening, mainly when we reflect that Frank has not seriously questioned the virtue of the laws he is enforcing. If enough voters in a free democracy develop Frank’s attitude (placing emotional reaction before rational deliberation) that free democracy will degenerate into a fascist

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