Compare And Contrast Essay: Clownfish And Glass Catfish

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Clownfish and Glass Catfish;
The Compare And
Contrast Essay Paper

Have you ever wondered if all fish were the same? I am going to tell you about some of the characteristics and similarities of these fish.

The freshwater fish that I will give you an example of is the Glass Catfish. It is about 2 ½ inches long, and the water temperature for this fish is about 72 to 82 degrees. The salt water fish that I will give you an example of is the clownfish, this fish was seen in the movie Finding Nemo. The clownfish has a colorful body of orange, black and white. This fish also likes the temperature of water of 72 degrees to 82 degrees too. The salt water fishs are unique in that they have salt in their bodies.
THE FISH’S ENVIRONMENTS …show more content…

They rest in water and are very peaceful fish. The clownfish’s environment is salt water in usually an ocean or a saltwater tank. The clownfish like the warmer water and also need a lot of space to swim around. The clownfish are very social fish. A similarity of a freshwater fish is that they need about six fish or schools of fish to be able to be kept alive. Freshwater fish are more durable and less maintance than the salt water fish. Salt water fish have to make sure the water is bearable for them to live and swim in the water. The right amount of salt and temperature is needed. The saltwater fish have to be taken care of daily and have to have the right temperature in the water to stay alive. Salt water fish have to have a habitat that looks like an ocean with bright colors and bright light. With salt water fish you have to make sure you have the right lighting and filters inside the

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