Compare And Contrast Communist Manifesto And Old Major

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Old Major’s Dream and Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto
One of the most important events in Animal Farm is when Old Major, a twelve year old Middle White boar, tells all the animals on Manor Farm about his dream for the future of the farm animals. He speaks of how humans take from animals but do not give anything in return and that humans are to be their enemies. He teaches the animals a song that communicate his wish of ridding the world of humans and their wickedness. He spoke of how all of the animals’ lives were “not allowed to reach their natural span” and that “no animal escapes the cruel knife in the end” (29). Old Major told Boxer, who represents the proletariat class of Russia, that “the very day that those great muscles of [his] lose their power, …show more content…

In the Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx states how the proletariats “live only so long as they find work, and who find work only so long as their labour increases capital”. The Communist Manifesto and The Beasts of England express the want of freedom and equality. Old Major motivated the animals to spread his ideas to other animals and the Beast of England song spread rapidly across the countryside and was made accessible to a large group. Likewise, the Communist Manifesto was published in many languages and many copies were distributed. In addition, Old Major spoke of revolution although he did not know the day nor the hour in which it would take place. It took a while for Major’s dream to come true. In the same manner, it took nearly half a century for the Communist Manifesto to truly inspire a revolution. In 1917, the czarist government of Russia was eliminated and was replaced by a communist one. Massive backlash took place when the Karl Marx’s manifesto was published. Similarly, when Old Major gave his speech on Animalism, the animals began singing it which woke Jones and caused him to shoot 6 times to scare the animals away. The Communist Manifesto states

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