Compare And Contrast Abortion Vs. Pro Life

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The pro-choice versus pro-life argument has been going on endlessly since abortion has been around. This argument has a lot to do with morality and what is morally right versus what is morally wrong. Here is where it becomes unclear, to say that it is morally wrong for a woman and doctor to “play God” and decide if a baby gets to live or not, or to say that is it morally wrong to force a woman to have a child that she doesn’t want or can’t support, which one is actually morally wrong? They each contradict each other, because one without the other does not exist. This is such a controversial subject because either one of the options comes with consequences and rewards, and either one of the options is just as difficult as a decision for any …show more content…

Whether you are killing a person or just a group of cells. Each side to this argument has points that each contradict each other. As for the people who do think abortion is murder they think that life begins at conception but as for the people who don’t think abortion is murder they believe that a fetus is not a person until the point of viability, when the fetus can exist outside of the mother’s womb. Another contradictory point is the discussion of pain. Some research suggests that fetuses can feel pain at 20 weeks of pregnancy and yet some abortion clinics allow abortions to be performed up to 24 weeks of pregnancy. It is morally wrong to commit murder but most people believe it is not morally wrong to have an abortion. The topic of murder is so controversial because it is difficult for people to understand when life for the child actually starts. There are three main stages in which people believe life starts at, conception, vitality or when the child is actually born and takes its first breath outside of the womb. Speaking in terms of morality, which stage would it be morally correct to murder at? If the answer is only before vitality, how come the other stages are not considered murder? When people discuss abortion as not being murder because it is just a bunch of cells, those are still the same cells at the stage of vitality and when the child is born, those people do not realise that it is still “just a bunch of cells” at each

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