Compare 1984 And Brave New World

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Aldous Huxley and George Orwell, the British authors of two of the world’s most famous dystopias, both wrote their predictions about the future world. Today, there is an ongoing debate about whether Huxley’s prediction of a society based on satisfaction and pleasure, in Brave New World, or Orwell’s prediction of a society based on terror and misery, in 1984, is most similar to today’s world. Both novels reflect future terrors, however Brave New World is a more accurate vision of today’s society.
In 1949, Orwell published his novel, 1984. This post World War II novel, written in the time of the Cold War, and Britain’s movement toward socialism, illustrates Orwell’s prediction for the year 1984. During this time period, authoritarian governments …show more content…

As he explains, “People will come to love their oppression, to adore their technologies that undo their capacities to think” (Postman). In 2016, when an individual wants to learn about something, the internet allows him or her to obtain information that “Google” has filtered and refined. With technological advancements, there is an obsession with obtaining the newest products in order to maintain maximum speed. Presently, technology is used to a point of dependence. High-tech adaptations to life can be found almost anywhere, whether it is a dishwasher, cell phone, car, or computer. People are “addicted” to their cell phones, choosing social media over actual interaction. The society in Brave New World is also surrounded by technology. Neil Postman says, “What we love will ruin us” (Postman). This idea is very important in the sense that individuals in the novel, and today, center their lives around …show more content…

In Brave New World, sex is a unifying activity, separate from love. Promiscuity is a normal thing. In the “World State,” “every one belongs to every one else” (Huxley 40). In other words, exclusive partnerships are abolished. As a result, sex has become a meaningless act, and everyone has sex with everyone else. An example of of this is when Lenina is on a lift with men from the Alpha Changing Rooms. As Huxley describes, “...Lenina’s entry was greeted by many friendly nods and smiles. She was a popular girl and, at one time or another, had spent a night with almost all of them” (Huxley 56). Even at a young age, children are involved in sexual activity. In Brave New World, at the hatchery and conditioning centre, children play erotic games. Although the sexual promiscuity today is not to the extreme, seen in Brave New World, sexual activity is becoming more common among adolescents and often separate from love. Advertisements have sexual overtones, and children are exposed to sexual imagery at a young age. Additionally, in our society today, many people have “one night stands,” proving that sex today can sometimes be separate from

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