Common Themes In Disney Pixar's WALL-E

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Many people are familiar with Disney Pixar’s WALL-E to be known as a children’s movie. The film is mainly known for the romantic relationship between two robots, EVE and WALL-E. Even though the targeted audience was children, the film became a favorite to people of all ages. The director, Andrew Stanton’s main theme for the film was showing a robot being the most human thing in the universe. Nevertheless, the audience found other themes shown throughout the film. The three main common themes were protecting the environment, caring for human health, and realizing our dependence on technology. The film, WALL-E, follows the last robot on Earth, WALL-E, that is programmed to clean up the planet so humans could one day return to Earth. WALL-E spends his days tidying up the planet and …show more content…

One day after he finishes his work, he finds a mysterious red dot that he chases and tries to catch, without knowing that there are several more behind it. Once the dot stops, a ship lands in its place and drops off a robot, EVE, that is programmed to search all over Earth to evaluate the soil to see if Earth can sustain life again. WALL-E is fascinated with EVE and falls in love with her. When WALL-E is showing her his collection, he shows her a shoe that has a plant growing in it. EVE immediately collects and stores the plant in her compartment and shuts down to ‘stand by’ mode. WALL-E panics and tries to “wake” her back up. Then the space ship comes back to pick up EVE. While WALL-E is trying to get EVE back, he is taken into space where he gets on the giant space ship with all of the humans on it. As WALL-E continues his journey to find EVE, he runs into different humans and changes their look at life. All of the humans are obese and spend all day in their hover chairs with little human interaction. They are always looking at a screen video chatting with others that can

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