Commentary On Society's Use Of Rube Goldberg Machines

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The machine is a Rube Goldberg machine that turns on a light. It has no practical purpose, and exists solely as art. It is exciting and beautiful to watch, but a machine that takes three times as long to do a task that requires very little effort without a machine has no inherent value. It is simply there as art, as something for people to look at and to enjoy.
A Rube Goldberg machine is witty. People like seeing how parts just fit together, how a chain reaction of small parts can do something none of them, except perhaps the last, could do alone. It is fun to watch something just work, and that is part of the charm of a Rube Goldberg.
The machine is also commentary on society’s use of machines. In its unnecessary complexity, a Rube Goldberg machine shows the obsession we have with more and more complicated machines with little regard as to whether or not they are useful. It says that machines aren’t always necessary, that machines can sometimes even get in the way.
Finally, sometimes science must be done simply as science without any knowledge of why it’s important. Sometimes questions that have very little impact on …show more content…

has more antigravity power steps (highly desired) or has a minimal number of gravity power steps, is not entirely powered by electrical motors or uses minimal electrical power to move objects…” The Engineering Department at Robert Morris University has stated that a Rube Goldberg machine should have at least 15 steps, have items easily found (not purchased), and have minimal human intervention, except to start the

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