Comment closely on the poem Rising Five, looking in particular at

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Comment closely on the poem Rising Five, looking in particular at

how Nicholson uses imagery.

“Rising Five” is about how people want to grow up quickly, and

therefore how we want to rush through our lives and our youth. It is

also about how we do not appreciate our precious and present moments

in our lives, the fact that we are always looking forward into the

future and not focusing on what we have now. The imagery used in this

poem complements and emphasizes these messages to the reader, creating

a ‘rushed’ tone and effect. For example, we immediately get the

feeling of someone who is rushing in the first line of the poem “I’m

rising five”.

Stanza one is about a boy who is 4 years and 8 months – “He’d been

alive/Fifty-six months or perhaps a week more”. “Fifty-six months”

sounds like a much longer time than 4 years and 8 months. We also

know that he is counting the time as it passes “ perhaps a week more”,

this suggests that the boy wants to rush through life and grow up more

quickly, even being one week older counts. The imagery of the “little

coils of hair/ Un...

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