Colleges Should Have Safe Spaces For Students

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When a person attends college, their life is flooded with new experiences, cultures, and an integrated society of races. Unfortunately, no one can prepare a person for everything that they'll encounter. There are various political and moral views shared on college campuses. Often, at first, it is hard to find a place to speak freely without judgement. Safe spaces are very important places on college campuses. They give a comforting place for students, to feel safe and communicate their emotions and statements on matters. Trigger warnings are greatly needed in college classrooms. They're useful for students with trauma, or students who may feel overly sensitive to certain topics. Currently many colleges are getting caught up in the politics of whether they should have safe spaces and allow trigger warnings. Furthermore, the ignorance to what safe spaces and trigger warnings are end up having negative effects on the students and campus life. Colleges should not coddle students and encourage for students to stay comfortable in their safe bubbles around campus. Colleges should instead aid them when needed, and support them. …show more content…

The downside to this is that, too many students then feel like their opinion is right over someone else's. In the article, "Safe Spaces on College Campuses Are Creating an Intolerant Students", written in Huffington Post, Van Jones's spoke to Wessely College's students and said, "… put on some boots, and learn how to deal with adversity.". Jones’ words may seem harsh, but he makes a valid point. The idea of safe spaces isn’t meant to close the student's mind's off, but to offer them a meeting place to let them talk freely. Colleges, nor the students shouldn’t shield each other. Controversy is everywhere and the students on campus will never learn how to face adversity or problems if they are

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