College Admissions Essay: Achieving College Success

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I did not fully understand what success meant until I was old enough to see it through my parents. Both of my parents came from Mexico and risked their lives to start a better life for my siblings and I. They went through all kinds of struggles and obstacles that they had to overcome due to living in the United States. Instead of thinking so negatively about the struggles they thought positively because they knew that all the hard work would help my siblings and me at the end, and it did. They have three about to be four children that have graduated from high school, and now or going to be attending college. I define success as a person who puts hard work and dedication in their goals in order to achieve them. Therefore, my success in life …show more content…

One of them would be inner critic. Skip Downing defines inner critic as “the internal voice that judges us as inadequate, and accepts too much responsibility and blames us for whatever goes wrong in our lives” (50). Which I believe, it played a big part in my high school years and first year in college. An experience would be when I was in high school in math class. Now, I was not very good in math throughout high school, so when I came to college my first year and had to take math, all I was thinking in my mind was I am going to be terrible at math like in high school. College Math is going to be way harder than in high school, so I am going to fail the class. Just thinking so negatively about myself, which that did not help. But, when you mentioned in class about using your inner guide/creator mindset to avoid all the negativity, I decided to give it a try. If I did not understand the material I would go to the math lab for help or asked my instructor for help. All the negativity that was going around in my mind trying to criticize me stopped because I put an end to it. Just believing in myself that I can do my best in math helped a lot because now I understand math way much better than I did in high

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