Coatlicue Essay

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Few objects could claim to elicit such varied responses as the stone statue of Coatlicue. Found in 1790 in the former Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan, the object depicted the ancient mother goddess of childbirth and warfare. Nahuatl for “Serpent Skirt,” Coatlicue wears a skirt weaved of snakes. However, that is not the only place on the statue that features the serpent motif. In fact, her head itself is removed, giving way to two spouts of blood that are represented as snakes. Serpents are known to be sacred in Mesoamerican culture, and they are often associated with water and fertility. Other animal parts include the claws on her feet while her hands are blades, ready to pierce through bodies. While this corresponds to the human skull, hearts, …show more content…

However, that is not true. Just like all human cultures, there have been struggles for power, great wars, and flourishing arts. One such example was the conquest of neighboring civilizations by the Aztecs. For most civilizations of the Valley of Mexico, Coatlicue was already a central deity in their lives. However, for the Aztecs, she was special in particular for being mother of Huitzilopochtli, the patron god of Tenochtitlan and also god of the sun and war. While mainly the Aztecs worshiped Huitzilopochtli, his connection with Coatlicue became his main origin story because of how conquered civilizations would respond favorably with what deities they are familiar with. The story goes that Coatlicue was impregnated with a feather. Her 400 sons and her daughter, Coyolxauhqui, sought to kill their mother for this before Huitzilopochtli burst forth in full armor to defend her. In this story, Coatlicue is represented as vulnerable and needing to be saved, but this also demonstrates how the Aztecs respected her and honored her for being the one who gave birth to their most beloved god. In fact, the stone statue of her was found at the Templo Mayor, which housed a temple of Huitzilopochtli. Further evidence of this relationship is found in the Florentine Codex, which was the work of the Spanish friar Bernardino de Sahagún. This codex

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