Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Essay

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In 1977 Steven Spielberg released “Close Encounters of the Third kind” giving each of us a theatrical taste of an encounter with an alien lifeform and spiraling the general population towards visiting Devils Tower in Wyoming. Yet with all the extra-terrestrial encounter movies that have came forth sense and tingled our senses on space exploration. Yet as time has passed “Close Encounters” has continued to be deemed a classic film in our society. In face in 2007 it was added to the Library of Congress’s National Film Registry Selection (1)” marking it as a significant movie in American Culture. The basis of the script and storyline of “Closer Encounters of the 3rd Kind” is something that each of us can connect with. It’s a story of an everyday person who has an encounter with something out of this world. It provides us a connection point of the struggles of everyday life, the struggle of raising a family, the struggle of letting our passions overwhelm us and take control of us. It also encourages us to use our imagination, to think about what it would take to connect with a world beyond our own. To question what it would take to communicate with life beyond our own. One of the greatest strengths of this movie is found in Spielberg’s power at controlling tension. It would be easy for the tension to built to …show more content…

The construction of a movie is much more then a good script. A good director takes part in each part of the film to help create a strong and powerful atmosphere. This includes creating scenes that will captivate the audience based on where they are watching. In the case of this film they managed to create a film atmosphere that provided angles that left viewers to use their imagination. For example, in the opening scene we are watching from the eyes of the air traffic unit allowing the film to take captive of the mind and become better connected with the

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