Chris Hadfield Character Traits

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Many people know Chris Hadfield as the commander of the International Space Station. But not many people know how much he achieved until he wrote his own autobiography “An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth” . As I read his book, I realized he used the habit : Begin with the end in mind, more than anything else. But he also used all the other habits to achieve his goal of becoming an astronaut.

During his time when he was a 9 year old child, he was inspired by the Apollo 11 moon landing to become an astronaut. But unfortunately at that time, Canada did not have a Space Agency. NASA was the US agency and astronauts had to be American. But he wanted to prepare himself, just in case he ever got the chance to become one.

Chris did …show more content…

Some of these people had PhD’s while Chris only had a masters in aeronautics. In the end, he was one of the 4 people selected. Chris Hadfield had finally became an astronaut and is now one of the most famous people in Canada. He worked hard throughout his life, always preparing for his goals, even when he was a child.

But as Chris discovered, being selected to be an astronaut does not mean he was an astronaut. He was only now qualified to learn to become one. Astronauts had to go through tons of training. In fact, an astronaut is never done learning. But Chris did not mind learning more. He believes the more he learn, the more he prepares himself. (Sharpens his saw). He even studied Russian and piloting Soyuz rockets, which later helped him in his job as director of NASA Operation in Russia, and on the ISS.

Chris also talked about how important teamwork is for astronauts. If one person fails, the whole team fails, the whole mission fails. Millions of dollars would be wasted. So win-win and synergy goes without saying. One example is that the Shuttle can fit 7 people. But the Soyuz rocket can only fit 3 in very tight space. So if someone is not a team player, they would not even be selected for the

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